Saturday, September 6, 2014

EBM is investigating Fingerprint-Commerce – Business World

EBM is investigating Fingerprint-Commerce – Business World

Ekbrottsmyndigheten investigating trade in Fingerprint Cards in the autumn of 2013.

Crimes Bureau, EBM, received last fall received several complaints concerning trade with the Fingerprint warrants. Two of the cases have been dismissed, but the investigation is continuing with respect to a case of suspected insider trading information. It writes SvD.

EBM’s prosecutor Pontus Hamilton would not say whether there is any connection to the company’s employees. He would not say if it is about warrantless trade in this case.

– I do not speak about what it is for the type of trading. It’s early in the investigation, but the hope is to be able to prosecute, he says to SvD.

It is not the first time Fingerprint investigated by EBM. Last summer, two men were sentenced in hovätten for insider dealing and one of the men was at the time employed by Fingerprint.

For almost a year since the company was also subjected to a scam then a press release with false information regarding an offer from Samsung sent out. The press release caused rush-hour course before share trading was halted and all orders canceled.

According to sources Finwire Social Media has on that investigation with no autumn Samsung-related investigation to do.


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