the Nasdaq Stockholm has decided to approve the construction Sernekes application for listing of the shares, under the conditions that the usual conditions are met.
the First day of trading is expected to be 24 november. It is clear from a press release.
Serneke builds and develops residential properties, commercial properties, industrial premises, public buildings, roads and facilities, and other infrastructure.
the Offer includes mainly newly-issued shares made to institutional investors in Sweden and internationally, and to the general public in Sweden. The prospectus will come about on 14 november.
There is a detail that is becoming entrenched among all the news during the Monday portionerats out from the district court in Oslo, prosecutors and police, as well as Hexagon’s ceo Ola Rolléns defender: falskspelet to shareholders and analysts. The type of Business in Calle Froste.
Hexagonchefen Ola Rollén were arrested in Sweden already on Wednesday last week, at the request of the Norwegian authorities. It writes dommerfullmektig Linn C Domaas Kise, the judge in the case and also the secretary to the häktningsförhandlingen which started at 11.45 on Saturday morning. It is apparent from the documents in the Oslo tingrätt.
Was Rollén were the upcoming nights are still not published, but a guess is Kronobergshäktet in Stockholm.
on Friday, two days after that, the Hexagon-the ceo was arrested, was Rollén free again. In any case, so of the cells that he got the permission of the Norwegian and/or Swedish authorities on the spot to present the company’s third quarterly report. In the presentation , which started at 10 o’clock in the morning, mention Ola Rollén, not a word that he has been the subject of police and prosecutor interest in two days.
In the recorded presentation material, which remains on the web three days later, greets Rollén analysts welcome and wish them good morning. He shows the "slide 34" and says that "we are the world" on the gps pucks that can be mounted in the cars so that they can be found if they are stolen. He concludes the presentation with "slide 35", and greets all present welcome to the company’s capital markets day on 1 december in London.
According to the news agency Directly was staff from the Swedish financial crime all the time in the room or in the vicinity of the Ola Rollén, when he conducted the presentation. Their mission was to ensure that the Rollén not said anything about the ongoing police investigation. The company’s information officers, as well as the chairman Melker Schörling felt to the agreement.
Later in the day, or possibly on Saturday morning, was moved Ola Rollén to Oslo and häktningsförhandlingarna. And today, on Monday, announced the authorities and the Hexagon to the chief executive officer has been in custody over the weekend.
a Lot is uncertain in this course of events but one thing is crystal clear.
When the stock market opened today on Monday fell in the hexagon share by nearly 10 percent and the company’s market value by at most sek 10 billion, a development which does not can be caused by other reasons for the successful ceo placed in custody. Information was price sensitive and should have been published already when Ola Rollén said on Wednesday.
To Hexagon’s defense, one can say that this secrecy was at the request of the authorities. Now the actions of police and prosecutors in place meant that those who bought shares in the company at the end of last week was blown.
After more than nine years, and a greatly reduced price have a summer cottage that has been named “Sweden’s most expensive house has been sold, can the Business world tell.
(up to DATE) On 6 march 2008 was 62 square meters "big" house in S:ta Toras väg in Torekov for sale. The asking price was 20 million sek, which corresponded to a kvadratmeterpris of 320 000 sek.
the Property was soon much written about in the media, where it was called Sweden’s most expensive house.
A week after the site was up for sale was the investment bank Bear Stearns by JP Morgan with the help of the u.s. government. On the night of 15 september of the same year, applied to the investment bank Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy.
in the Midst of the financial crisis was the owner a bid of 16 million but turned it down, according to the then responsible real estate agent Thomas Darpö. The summer house has subsequently had a hard time to find a new owner despite the fact that the asking price has been lowered in several rounds, which the Business world has reported.
After more than nine years and six months on the market, the summer house now finally been sold. The final price was sek 13 million and the buyer is Kerstin Schörling, 67. She is married to businessman Melker Schörling, 69, good for closer to 60 billion.
last week announced Melker Schörling that he will leave all the assignments.
“because I have for some time suffered from a gradual deterioration in health I will leave my board at the spring meetings in 2017,’ he wrote in a press release on October 24.
Melker Schörling is currently chairman of the board of the measurement technology company Hexagon, polymerbolaget Hexpol, fettillverkaren Aarhus Karlshamn and the investment company Melker Schörling (MSAB).
on Wednesday, October 26, were arrested Hexagon’s ceo Ola Rollén suspected of insider dealing after a purchase of more than 280 000 shares in Next Biometrics. The shares were purchased in private on 6 and 7 October 2015.
Two days later, buy Ola Rolléns company Greenbridge, which is 40 percent owned by Melker Schörlings investment company MSAB, two million shares in Next Biometrics. The news became known today, on Monday 31 October.
“I was informed ex post of the investment,” writes Melker Schörling in an email to the news agency Directly.
this beats the Swedish Tax agency in its final report on the so-called delningsekonomin that came in today.
– the Problem is that we get new business models based on that it is individuals who do business between each other, and we may find it difficult to get into beskattningsinformation and control. It can also be difficult for them to know how they will be taxed, ” says Rebecca Filis on the Swedish Tax agency, which is responsible for the report.
delningsekonomi meant different ways to share, rent, borrow and exchange things instead of owning them. Examples are taxi services that Uber and people who rent their homes, for example through Airbnb.
As the Echo reported earlier has Tax upptaxerat several people who rented out their homes via Airbnb, because they have declared incorrect income and the checks made so far shows that it is common with the unrecognised revenue in the delningsekonomin.
” It probably depends a lot on ignorance simply. That you do not know if this is going to be taxed or how it will be taxed. But it could also be that you think that “it is difficult for the Tax agency to detect, so as a consequence, I do not the income,” says Rebecca Filis.
the Tax agency draws conclusion to the rules that exist today are sufficient, but that a large part of the accountability rests with the individuals.
One way to overcome this would, according to the report, that companies like Uber and Airbnb report their users ‘ income directly to the Tax.
– It is they who most often handles the payments. It is those who are on the task if which are the providers and how much payments going to them. So it is really just a way to get information from those who have it, says Rebecca Filis.
At present it is difficult to say about delningsekonomins emergence has increased or decreased tax revenues overall. But it is clear that the sector is growing and that the impact is expected to be big in the future – but not here, it is possible to say if the revenue will increase or decrease.
” No, we know too little today. We have too little data to be able to make a full assessment. It is estimates, assessments and assumptions based on what we know today, ” says Rebecca Filis.
Facebook does not want to lose the new generation on social media – see the Snapchat, or at least something similar, as the solution.
the Young social media users seem to increasingly prefer Snapchat over Facebook. And Facebook is starting to become increasingly anxious not to lose the new generation.
three years ago, tried to Mark Zuckerbergs social network buy up Snapchat with a bid of 3 billion dollars, but got slammed.
In the summer, tried Facebook instead buy up the Snapchat-like service Snow belong to south Korean Naver, and got slammed. This is according to sources of Techcrunch.
"It is true that Snow is to receive kärlekssamtal from different companies," said a spokesperson for Naver but declined to publish the name of Snow’s would-be suitor.
According to the task have the Snow loaded down to about 80 million in assets, and it is increased with 10 million downloads each month. The rapid growth has made the service not only attractive in Facebook’s eyes, but also with other actors such as Alibaba and Tencent.
Naver with its market capitalization of about 25 billion u.s. dollars, is mainly known for the messaging service Line.
At 10.25 had the OMXS30 index declined 0.5 per cent to the level of 1.452 and shares for 2.5 billion had been translated. The stock exchanges in London, Frankfurt and Paris was down 0.3 to 0.7 percent.
the Hexagon was one of the largest kursförlorarna in the beginning when the shares fell 6.5 per cent. Also the principal owner of Melker Schörling AB, which has already lost lately after last week’s announcement that the industriveteranen Melker Schörling reasons of health, several board positions in the spring, was pushed heavily. The share fell 5.6 per cent. Hexagon accounts for more than half of the net asset value of Melker Schörlings portfolio.
The major oil-producing countries in Opec managed over the weekend unable to agree on a final plan to implement a fall in production. After a decline on Friday evening, oil prices continued down easily on Monday morning. In the oil sector fell Lundin Petroleum close to 2 per cent and Enquest in the same county.
Among the few companies in plus low Fingerprint Cards at the top, +3.3 per cent. The company called on Monday to the extraordinary general meeting on 30 november, among other things, to take a position on the board of directors ‘ proposal regarding cancellation of treasury shares and issuance of warrants.
Skanska and SSAB, both of which were pressured last Friday after their quarterly reports, turned up 1.3 per cent.
Nischbanken Collector fell 3.3 per cent after its interim report in the morning where the revenue and earnings ended up slightly below expectations.
Also rapportaktuella Dometic, backed, by over one per cent.
Industridistributören It traded down 4.8 percent to 53,30 € Share had its premiärdag on the stockholm stock exchange on Friday and the strike price before the listing was 46 b.c.
Börsveckan is in this week’s journal to the purchase of the Nordax, Inwido, Evolution Gaming, Gunnebo and Swedbank. All except Swedbank trading up by 1-3 per cent in the stock exchange’s introduction. Swedbank was on easy minus, in line with the other major banks.
Eniro preferred stock continued down after Friday’s negative news, including the absence of any dividend and that the ceo Örjan Frid does not exclude sökbolaget need to be switched to reconstruction. The preference shares issued fell a further 24 per cent.
The u.s. stock markets closed slightly lower on Friday after the FBI decided to re-look at the private e-mails that democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton sent during his time as foreign minister. Hillary Clinton and the democrats have gone in klinch with the FBI and questioned the agency’s action so close to the election.
Asienbörserna showed small mixed movements. In commodity markets, oil prices slightly lower, as well as base metals. Both brent crude and WTI is trading a bit under $ 50. Despite the long negotiations over the weekend failed to the major oil-producing countries in Opec to agree on a final plan to implement a fall in production. Discussions will now continue at the end of november.
On rapportfronten include:
* Dometic which manufactures products for, inter alia, caravans and motorhomes, reported a better organic growth than expected in the third quarter .
* Nischbanken Collectors revenue and earnings ended up slightly below expectations. The ceo is pointing in the quarterly report on record low credit losses in the third quarter, and all early indicators of possible future credit losses, fold down.
* Börsveckan recommend the purchase of the Nordax, Inwido, Evolution Gaming, Gunnebo and Swedbank but wait, SEB, SHB, Volvo and Husqvarna.
* Deutsche Bank lowers riktkursen for Sobi to 108 usd from 120 ce, the Recommendation is keep repeated.
* the Carnegie raises its recommendation for Alimak to buy from the keep. Riktkursen is increased to 122 from 92 €
* SEB Equities raises its recommendation for Bravida to buy from the keep. Riktkursen is increased to 60 from 57 b.c.
* Nordea Markets is lowering its recommendation for the Lundin Petroleum to sell from the keep. Riktkursen is 160 sek, according to Bloomberg News.
* the Morgan Stanley lowers its recommendation for Vostok New Ventures to equilibrium from obesity. Riktkursen to be raised to 79 from 65 €
On makroagendan noticeable:
* EMU: CPI (prelim) October, 11.00
* – EMU: GDP (est) 3 kv at 11: 00 a.m.
* USA: private income and private consumption, 13.30
* – USA: The Chicago purchasing managers index October at 14.45
It is winter time in Sweden since the night of 30 October, but the united states sets about a week later, on Sunday 6 november. Therefore, it is one hour less time difference during the week between Sweden and the united states and the stock exchanges where the opens at 14.30 Swedish time.
Both Arla and norrmejerier is turning warns that the butter will run out – but Skånemejerier bers.
There can be a shortage of Swedish butter during the late autumn and winter.
Already, two weeks ago told ATL that norrmejerier is turning close to the production of butter and that the shortage will be during the holidays and a bit into the new year.
– It is always sad when it occurs but, nevertheless naturally when the availability of milk and cream vary with the seasons, ” says Mariann Holmberg, head of communications at norrmejerier is turning.
It will be the second christmas in a row that norrmejerier is turning suffer smörbrist. Last year, the dairy is also out, and regretted smörbristen.
the Reason is the same: lack of access to raw milk. Their products contain 100 per cent northern raw milk, and right now it is sufficient not to in order to cope with customer demand.
"the Situation is strained,"
Now is also the Arla out and warns smörbrist.
“It will likely be a shortage of butter during the fall and winter, even for Arla’s part,” says Daniel Emilson, press officer at Arla Foods.
– the Situation is strained, and we expect that the same situation occurs as it is done continuously in recent years, that is to say that it will be smörbrist.
as late as in march of this year, affected by the Arla butter shortage when the organic butter was gone.
Daniel Emilson explains that smörbristen mainly depends on three factors:
A trend that consumers eat more foods that have a higher fat content of the law.
consumers To eat more food with a higher fat content during autumn, winter and the coming holidays.
it required the milk of a certain amount of fat to produce butter, and the cows milk the different parts of the year depending on, among other things, on the feed.
No shortage of Skåne
At Skånemejerier, they have not noticed of any risk of smörbrist.
As it now looks, there will not be any shortage of fat and the butter will be enough during the fall and winter, ” says Anna Forslid, råvaruchef at Skånemejerier.
What do you think it may be because you do not suffer the smörbrist similar to your competitors?
– It is very hard for me to say, so I do not want to speculate. But we are in the balance and will be able to continue to produce.
Read more: Lack of butter in the fall for norrmejerier is turning
The canadian prime minister, celebrates the Ceta agreement with the EUROPEAN union’s trade commissioner Cecilia Malmström in Brussels on Sunday. Photo: Francois Lenoir/AP
BRUSSELS – Are you angry at the walloons? cried a French-speaking journalist to Trudeau, when he stepped out of a limousine and walked up the red carpet to the summit.
But Trudeau just smiled and waved, and greeted then warmly at the EU council permanent president Donald Tusk and EUROPEAN commission president Jean-Claude Juncker, who met him at the door.
the Walloon region of Belgium’s semi-autonomous regions, stood to the last against Ceta, the free trade agreement between the EU and Canada that has been in the offing for seven years, primarily because of doubts concerning a mechanism in the agreement that gives the companies the right to sue governments.
Thursday had as the walloons so received enough guarantees to allow the federal government in Brussels to approve the agreement. Trudeau, who would come to Brussels on the same day but cancelled his trip in anticipation of a vallonskt consent, could begin to pack his bags again.
When now both Trudeau and EU leaders have signed on to take the Ceta agreement in force at the end of the year. According to the EUROPEAN commission’s calculations as to the removed duties and other charges on trade between the blocks to strengthen the EU’s economy by up to 20 billion euros per year.
the council building in Brussels is not direct, Versailles, with its grey carpeted floors and colorless, tavelfria drywall. And the cloth on the table that Justin Trudeau and the leaders of the EUROPEAN union sat at the signing of the Ceta agreement was not even scratched. But the ceremonies at the time of signing did not miss.
– All the summits are important, but some summits are more important than others, said Jean-Claude Juncker at a press conference after the ceremony.
Trudeau said to end on the question of the Walloon region:
” don’t Ask me to comment on the complex relationship between the Walloon region and the federal government. We have these days taught us a little bit about how the EU works. From my perspective, the most important lesson learned that the EU works, because we are here today to write on, ” said Trudeau.
Beyond the summit had a hundred demonstrators rallied to protest against an agreement which they believe proves big business power at the expense of workers rights and the environment.
the Demonstrators tried to block entrances, and threw red paint against the building façade. The red color would symbolize that democracy is damaged, bleeds, according to organizers. Riot police arrested 15 people.
15 protesters outside the summit, was arrested. Photo: Thierry Monasse/AP
I want to Expressen should be the magazine which is most generous with the rebuttal, corrections, and how we report any censure from the Press Council.
the Swedish newspaper Expressen’s ambition is clear. In our “Quality policy” switch, I wired it as published to be accurate. My first decision as editor-in-chief was to establish a fixed place in the magazine and on the site for corrections. But we are humans. Who make mistakes, get ripped off or rushed to carelessness. There are a few explanations to the errors in the media, but the excuse still not to the editorial staff of one exposure for publicitetsskada.
the Express newspaper is behind the “Ethical rules for press, radio and tv” formulated by the publicist club, the Swedish union of journalists, newspaper publishers, the Swedish Magazines, Swedish Radio, Swedish Television and Swedish educational Broadcasting company.
“the Rules are more of guidelines than a formal set of rules,” notes the Public press ombudsman (PO). What is good media ethics must be determined from case to case, and there is no exact answer. But it is good that the matter is discussed.
Expressen speak often and feel free to be clear, we inspect and we disclose; it is journalism that is not everyone will appreciate what we are telling them. If you believe you are a victim of a publicitetsskada is the fastest way to get redress, please contact us: e-mail to or call our nyhetsdesk on telephone: 08-738 30 00. But it is also possible to make a so-called PO-notification to get a pressetisk trial.
In ten days hovered the walloons, then they gave up.
perhaps You saw the news pass by. The politicians in the belgian region of Wallonia would single-handedly stop the free trade agreement Ceta.
the Agreement would promote trade between the EU and Canada. More job opportunities and less red tape could be to be reckoned with.
It had seemingly tasted the bird and cost nothing. If Wallonia is not to say no.
How it was possible? All EU countries were obliged to sign the agreement. In the Belgian case, the federal regions give a thumbs-up.
Walloon totalvägran would reduce the years of negotiations. Världsmedierna support the region as the EU’s black sheep. Should any unruly vallons destroy for half a billion europeans?
Fewer asked themselves why they refused. For this speaks the EU and Canada was silent about. The one who immerses themselves in the question, find the hooks, which applies to all EU countries, including the Mother Svea.
If the agreement enters into force allowed companies to sue states. Would Sweden make policy that affects foreign investors can thus state be brought to justice – for the non-profit.
such A threat, although future cancer – and climate research in the back, prevent Sweden to strengthen legislation on the environment and public health.
In other countries it has already happened. Germany was sued when the government wanted to phase out nuclear energy after the disaster in Fukushima and Australia were sued for the country’s law on the design of tobacco packets.
the Ceta is not open at least for free trade with the united states. The anti-Ttip, between the EU and the united states, is next on the tour.
free Trade, for, by definition, no evil. But do we really want that american storkoncerner should be able to sue the little Sweden on the billions?
we Want to open for prohibited chemicals in toys and cosmetics? We want to run the risk that the Swedish peasants driven out, and that, instead, serves school lunches with beef from animals dopats with hormones and chicken washed in chlorine?
It’s so clearly a few stepsscenario, but no politician can put hand on heart and guarantee the opposite.
Wallonia protested, but subjugation to the last. All the others left walk over in advance.
the Agreement is written in the days. Hope it’s neither the taste or the cost.
In ten days hovered the walloons, then they gave up.
perhaps You saw the news pass by. The politicians in the belgian region of Wallonia would single-handedly stop the free trade agreement Ceta.
the Agreement would promote trade between the EU and Canada. More job opportunities and less red tape could be to be reckoned with.
It had seemingly tasted the bird and cost nothing. If Wallonia is not to say no.
How it was possible? All EU countries were obliged to sign the agreement. In the Belgian case, the federal regions give a thumbs-up.
Walloon totalvägran would reduce the years of negotiations. Världsmedierna support the region as the EU’s black sheep. Should any unruly vallons destroy for half a billion europeans?
Fewer asked themselves why they refused. For this speaks the EU and Canada was silent about. The one who immerses themselves in the question, find the hooks, which applies to all EU countries, including the Mother Svea.
If the agreement enters into force allowed companies to sue states. Would Sweden make policy that affects foreign investors can thus state be brought to justice – for the non-profit.
such A threat, although future cancer – and climate research in the back, prevent Sweden to strengthen legislation on the environment and public health.
In other countries it has already happened. Germany was sued when the government wanted to phase out nuclear energy after the disaster in Fukushima and Australia were sued for the country’s law on the design of tobacco packets.
the Ceta is not open at least for free trade with the united states. The anti-Ttip, between the EU and the united states, is next on the tour.
free Trade, for, by definition, no evil. But do we really want that american storkoncerner should be able to sue the little Sweden on the billions?
we Want to open for prohibited chemicals in toys and cosmetics? We want to run the risk that the Swedish peasants driven out, and that, instead, serves school lunches with beef from animals dopats with hormones and chicken washed in chlorine?
It’s so clearly a few stepsscenario, but no politician can put hand on heart and guarantee the opposite.
Wallonia protested, but subjugation to the last. All the others left walk over in advance.
the Agreement is written in the days. Hope it’s neither the taste or the cost.
DAYTONA BEACH. Hillary Clinton went to the offensive in the night to FBI director James Comey.
She called his actions "deeply disturbing".
But in the latest national measurement is different now just two percentage points to Donald Trump – and it was made before the new mejlhistorien became known.
It was planned that Hillary Clinton would visit the Dickerson Center in Daytona Beach on this day and try to raise the valtemperaturen in important Florida. The last day’s drama did not change in the travel plans.
The mejlhistoria who stalked her for over a year, was detonated in the new Friday when it became clear that FBI director James Comey informed the congress that the new emails have been found and that the investigation against Hillary Clinton can be taken up again.
Hillary quickly came to check on it in his speech last night in front of about 900 people:
– You may have heard about a letter to the FBI director wrote, she starts, and is met by boos. Boos directed towards James Comey, not against her.
– is It right strange that something like this is sent out just before an election with so little information, yes it is more than strange, unprecedented, and deeply disturbing.
James ComeyPhoto: Justin Lane / Epa / Tt / EPA TT NEWS agency
Realize the question mark
Hillary then repeated what she already said on Friday evening. That the FBI must publish more information, to put the cards on the tables. She realizes, of course, that the questions that Comey created probably hurt her more than the actual content of the material.
It is not hillary’s e-mails the FBI found without her adviser Huma Abedins. She shared a computer with her then-husband Anthony Weiner, a democrat who the FBI is investigating for having sent sexmeddelanden to a 15-year-old girl.
FBI director James Comey received criticism from several quarters yesterday for its actions. The day before he informed leaders in congress that the FBI found the new material, so advised the department of justice him from doing just that.
ALSO READ: the Justice minister wanted to stop the Clinton-revelation
It is unusual for the FBI so this close to an election, publishes information that could influence an election. But for Donald Trump, it is of course a sign of just how serious the whole story is.
During the Saturday night spoke Trump in Phoenix, Arizona and went as expected hard to the new data from the FBI.
– Hillary has no one but itself to blame for its growing legal difficulties. Her criminal conduct was deliberate and conscious, ” said Trump.
“the Biggest scandal since Watergate”
He reiterated that he believes it is the largest political scandal since Watergate, and says that Clinton deliberately risked national security.
” Justice will finally be wonderfully served.
Hillary campaign held a conference call the night of yesterday, and her counselors were urged to convey a coordinated message over the weekend: that the FBI has not opened the inquiry again, that none of the e-mails sent from Hillary Clinton, that the FBI needs the public more details from the investigation and that they dislike to FBI director James Comey acted on their own.
But it is clear all around the Hillary understand the seriousness. Or Donna Brazile, the democratic party chairman and a close ally to Hillary Clinton put it yesterday.
” It is as if a truck drove right into us, it becomes a great disruption at the worst possible time.
“Boy, did I have a right”
Donald Trump spoke in August about Anthony Weiner and warned that he would have access to hillary’s emails through his wife.
Trump – never the modest type – found yesterday:
Boy, was I right there!!!!
– If you check my tweets. It was so perfect. It’s called good judgement.
We’ll see how the voters react. In the Washington Post/ABC’s last measurement of the night was Hillary 47%, against Trumps 45. And it was made before the mejlaffären.
No wonder Hillary urged Florida citizens in the night to go out and vote already now. They can vote in advance here.
Manufacturer Volkswagen has over 610, 000 employees. a Total of 121 plants in 20 european countries, including one in Södertälje, and in a total of eleven countries in North america, Latin america, Asia and Africa.
Twelve brands: Volkswagen (passenger cars), Audi, Seat, Skoda, Bentley, Bugatti, Lamborghini, Porsche, Ducati, Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles (small trucks, vans and the like) as well as the Scania and MAN (lorries and trucks).
In the last year launched elbilstillverkaren Tesla its first Powerwall. It is a sort of storage battery for home use, meant to allow clients to take a major step towards becoming self-sufficient in energy.
Now, the release the company also has a series of solar panels for home use. They are intended to replace the user’s “regular” panels, and generate a steady supply of solar energy for the owner.
the Most eye catching is the appearance of the new solar panels. Where traditional pv installations are often large and clumsy so seeing the Tesla panels as completely ordinary ceiling in brick, wood or stone. The panels are available in four different color combinations and appearances. The idea is that the panels should be used in conjunction with one of Tesla’s Powerwall batteries, which can store the excess energy generated.
Tesla’s new solar panels for home use look like ordinary roof tiles. Photo: Tesla.
According to Tesla’s own solar panels, only 2 percent less effective than “regular” solar panels. They should also cost about as much as the standard roof tiles, according to the company.
the exact price tag is, however, not yet, and the first installations will be made only to the summer of 2017.
also Read: Tesla turns a profit for the second time in company’s history
Read also: All Tesla cars will be self-driven – takes up the fight with Google
NEW YORK city. the department of Justice asked the FBI director James Comey not to inform congress about the new Hillary Clinton-the e-mails.
This is according to sources familiar with the case for the Washington Post.
” We said that the ministry’s approach is to not do anything that can be seen as the impact on the election, says the agent.
the Criticism of how Hillary Clinton handled his mejlkorrespondens as minister for foreign affairs has followed the democratic candidate in the entire presidential campaign.
With only eleven days left to the election day, went to FBI director James Comey on Friday, out with new information about the investigation. In a letter to congress he wrote that the so far unknown e-mail had been detected. They may have relevance for the Clinton case, according to the FBI. Later it turned out that the e-mails come up during the investigation of former toppolitikern Anthony Weiner sex-messande. Fox News reports that there may be tens of thousands of messages, found on a laptop.
It is very rare that the FBI is releasing information which may be politically sensitive this close to an election. Several leading democrats have criticized the Comeys act.
the Clinton campaign has taken a foothold on that Comey writes that the agency does not know if the e-mails are of any significance. During a brief press conference on Friday evening called for Hillary Clinton for more information from the FBI:
– If the FBI sends out this letter, they must share any facts they have to the american people. SEE ALSO This cheapens Trump the woman facing the audience
Call: don’t Tell
the FBI-the manager’s actions are controversial, even at the highest political level. The Washington Post reports that James Comey informed the justice department about their plans before the letter was sent. He was then invited to not go out with the information.
” We said that our position was not to comment on an ongoing investigation. And we’re not doing anything that could be seen as the impact on the election, says a source at the ministry told the newspaper.
Comey understood our setting. He took an independent decision to tell the congress. He act independently vis-à-vis justitedepartementet, and it knows if he, continue the agent.
the FBI director, the main reasons to inform the members of the board must have been to avoid accusations of cover-up after the election. SEE ALSO Got millions and fly – by Ericsson
the Last chance for Trump? Photo: Robert F. Bukaty/AP
CHARLOTTE/NEW YORK. In an election campaign full of dramatic twists and turns came another one on Friday, when the FBI director James Comey announced that the investigation surrounding Clinton’s e-mail during the time the foreign minister opens again. Some of the details about what the FBI is investigating or why was not made.
The federal police, the FBI’s scrutiny of Clinton’s private e-mail server was completed in July. The new data, which makes it might now be opened again, with less than two weeks left to the presidential elections, creates a situation almost unprecedented in american valhistoria.
the Investigation has been whether the mail contains classified information. The new stack email, which is reported to come from her close adviser Huma Sajjad, is said to contain over a thousand individual messages. No commentator or expert thought on Friday that the FBI has time to go through the e-mails before the election.
It means a highly probable chance that the winner of the presidential election celebrates the victory at the same time that she is involved in a federal investigation.
A depressed and subdued Clinton read a brief statement at a news conference in Iowa, where she kampanjade on Friday, with the requirement that the FBI reports more information about the e-mails so that the case can be dismissed quickly.
Hillary Clinton’s e-mail is again in the spotlight. Photo: Andrew Harnik/AP
” We have not been contacted by anyone, we found out about it when you got to know it. Which is why we require that the FBI report what this is about, ” said Clinton to reporters.
Donald Trump on the ground in the same state, few miles away, could not hide his delight over the fact that he now once again gotten the upper hand in the election campaign.
– As you heard today, so open up the FBI investigation into again, launched the Trump while his supporters headed "Lock her up!", "Lock her in".
the FBI had never opened the investigation again if it was not for a felony, continued to Trump.
No outsiders know, however, what e-mails contain, or if they have with the Clinton’s in the past criticized the private e-mail server to do.
The new information comes from a separate investigation into Huma Abedins ex-husband, the skandaliserade politician Anthony Weiner, who found several times to have sent sexually charged pictures of himself to women who were not his wife, so-called "sextning".
The skandaldrabbade democratic politician Anthony Weiner and his ex-wife, Clinton’s close advisor Huma Sajjad, whose e-mail is now being examined by the FBI. Photo: Kathy Willens/AP
Before Friday’s dramatic data from the FBI had Clinton a clear advantage in public opinion. Donald Trump had not been able to throw off the criticism after Access Hollywood-the movie that was leaked in september, and where the Trump is heard bragging about how he molesting women.
After the movie and the allegations of abuse from a dozen women fell the Trump greatly in opinion, a spigot he has not recovered from. Earlier in the week spoke valanalytiker in the united states on a virtually unassailable lead for Clinton, even if Trump is downloaded into a part.
Late on Friday led Clinton by just over 5 percentage points nationally, according to Real Clear Politics. She had the clear edge in several key states, like Pennsylvania, Colorado, New Hampshire and North Carolina. In a couple of others, like Florida and Nevada, was her direction, however, close to the margin of error. And Trump had small wires in, among others, Iowa and Ohio.
What is the effect of the new turnaround in Clinton’s e-posthärva may show themselves in the coming days as new polls show fall into.
One factor, however, suggests for Clinton, the a number of millions of americans have already voted. Absentee voting has been underway in some states for several weeks, in some ways with what is reported to be record-breaking commitment. How the voters vote no-one knows, but in both Florida and North Carolina have more registered democrats than republicans voted, shows preliminary statistics from earlier in the week.
absentee voting at a library in Charlotte, North Carolina, on Friday. Photo: Erik Bergin
Clinton also has a much for more extensive organization in place in order to attract voters to the polls than what Trump has. And candidates can be important in a presidential election, especially in states like Florida, where close to or over half of the voters are expected to cast their votes before election day on november 8.
Such voters helped Barack Obama to secure the election victory eight years ago.
In Charlotte, North Carolina, was the car park near enough full outside of the library where the voting was underway on Friday.
– the Number is up 10 to 20 per cent so far compared with 2012, says a campaign workers, Betty Wilson, to SvD.
FBI director James Comey announced on Friday that the federal police should review the new e-mail which may have relevance for the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s e-mail management.
the Decision was hailed by Clinton’s opponent Donald Trump. The inquiry about how Hillary Clinton handled the e-mail in the meantime, that the foreign minister is the worst political scandal since Watergate, ” said republican presidential candidate Donald Trump during a Friday evening, while his supporters shouted: “Lock her up, lock her up!”
Jessica Potter, along with all the other expected at the Trump for two hours in the balmy höstkvällen, thought that it was amazing that the FBI shall investigate yttterligare e-mail that may have relevance for the investigation of Clinton. – I have never liked her. She is disgusting and nasty, ” says Jessica Potter, who also think that Clinton should be imprisoned.
News the FBI director informed congress that the federal police should check additional mail that may have a bearing in the investigation of Clinton, was a political bomb. Trumpsidan was quick to seize the opportunity in new attacks against Clinton, despite the fact that it is neither is known which the new data is or the significance of them. Clintonsidan surprise by the news and were critical to the FBI’s actions.
Hillary Clinton herself asked for all the paper on the table: – The american people deserve to get all the facts immediately, ” said Clinton, who noted that the FBI director himself said in a letter to congress that he does not know if the e-mail he refers to has any importance or not.
Clinton said certain that FBI would not change his earlier opinion that she should not be prosecuted for crimes for the management of their private e-mail server.
the FBI found the possibly new mejlkorrespondensen in connection with the investigation of a completely different politician, Anthony Weiner, who until recently was married to one of Clinton’s closest associates. The pair have, according to the medieuppgifter, shared computer and used the same server as Hillary Clinton.
Inger Arenander, a US-based correspondent