Monday, November 14, 2016

Swedish billionaire on Trump: Not pleasant – but effective – Svenska Dagbladet

Sven-Olof Johansson has met with the US president. Photo: Lars Pehrson, Richard Drew/AP

Donald Trump won the election, many have expressed their disgust for the new president and the protests have been triggered in the united states. The majority is also critical of Trump’s economic policy, which raises questions, but fastighetsmagnaten Sven-Olof Johansson do not agree with. On the contrary, he thinks that Trump can get the economy moving again.

– the Economy in the united states, the tvärstill, then get someone who can get started a form of fiscal policy that Trump can, and some limited form of infrastructure programmes are not wrong, ” he says.

Sven-Olof Johansson, managing director and a major shareholder in listed property company Fastpartner, also highlights the fact that Trump wants to lighten up the rules for the banking sector as something positive.

He has said that he will review the regulatory framework applicable to banks in the united states. Liquidity has dried up. You have to keep up the level of consumption, such as homes, cars and appliances-funded.

But, many wonder how he will finance, for example, infrastructure?

– It is well by additional borrowing. The global lead currency is the dollar and the Fed (the u.s. central bank, ed) can increase its balance sheet too much, there is no problem.

He concludes that Trump’s economic policy will create any better conditions for the united states than if Hillary Clinton had won. Clinton’s only advantage was the element of predictability and stability, not on economic policy, believes Sven-Olof Johansson.

He is a very, very self-absorbed person, and not particularly pleasant to have to deal with.

Sven-Olof Johansson has herself met Donald Trump many years ago when he was in a discussion with Trump about buying some of the construction of one of his former companies.

” He is a very, very self-absorbed person, and not particularly pleasant to have to deal with. But he is effective.

Many were struck by donald’s Trump’s first speech as president, and how he seemed more statsmannamässig than in the past, during the election campaign. The question is which of the different personalities we’ve seen the true side.

” I think the big thing from his side was that he wanted to see if this was possible. Now he has achieved his goal. But I don’t think he will take a lot of political battles. He will probably have to adapt more, and try to have a smooth and friend, four-year term in front of him as it could possibly go, ” says Sven-Olof Johansson and stresses that it is one thing to run a campaign, and one thing to be the president.

” He has run a campaign where he has been very, very controversial in everything he says. But what he is saying need not become a reality.

You do not believe that he is unreliable?

– It is clear, but the politicians are not there during the election? It was enough that he met with Obama to keep some parts of Obamacare. All take good impression, ” he says, referring to Trump in his election campaign promised to tear up Obamacare, but now he seems to have changed and can think of to keep parts of it.

” I think he has been controversial to win the election. Then when it is now clear, I believe that he will apply a much more moderated policies.

Ordinary voters do not care about gender.

How do you think that he was able to win despite their sexist and racist statements?

, Ordinary voters do not care about gender. It does not see it as the big problem, if he speaks negatively about one or the other, especially not the unemployed. There are more related issues that are important to them.

despite the fact that Sven-Olof Johansson see benefits with Trump,, he is not behind him if he, himself, had received the vote.

” I had voted for Hillary Clinton for my conscience, for moral reasons and just for Trump’s views on women and racism.


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